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The Real Estate Takeoff

Aug 31, 2020

Today's guest is Mark Willis. Mark Willis is a man on a mission to help you think differently about your money, your economy and your future. After graduating with six figures of student loan debt and discovering a way to turn his debt into real wealth as he watched everybody lose their retirement savings and home...

Aug 24, 2020

Today's Guest is Veena Jetti. Veena is a founding member and Chief Investment Officer of Enzo Multifamily. Her background includes 10+ years of real estate experience including management of $1b+ in real estate assets.

Her expertise is in raising capital for various real estate ventures in addition to business...

Aug 17, 2020

Today's guest is Sterling White.  With just over a decade
of experience in the real estate industry, Sterling was involved with the management of over $10MM in capital, which is deployed across a $18.9MM real estate portfolio made up of multifamily apartments. Sterling talks with us today about how he was able to go...

Aug 10, 2020

Today we sit down with Yonah Weiss. Yonah serves as Business Director for Madison SPECS, where he coordinates engineer-based cost segregation studies for real estate properties. Cost Segregation is an IRS -approved process for reclassifying real estate components and improvements to accelerate depreciation deductions,...

Aug 3, 2020

Today's guest is Michael Becker. Michael serves as a Senior Director for Old Capital. Mr. Becker is actively involved in financing commercial real estate, developing new client relationships, and assisting clients with expanding their professional network. Mr. Becker has extensive experience in all aspects of the...